Infants School
Educational Planning
Our Early School welcomes children aged three to five, the educational purpose of which is to promote the harmonious and all-round development of the potential of all those children who are starting to become aware not only of themselves, but of others and the world around them.
Learning takes place in a playful context through transversal skills such as observation, exploration, analysis, empathy, logical thought, and a growing awareness of objects, nature, art and the world outdoors. The creation of workshops is a way to facilitate this learning process, giving the children the freedom to recognize and manage their daily routine and responsibilities through direct action.
The Educational Project
The activities are aimed at forming the child’s identity, developing and consolidating the concepts of autonomy, sociality and the acquisition of skills. In the relationship with the children, teachers act as mediators, facilitating their activities and helping them nurture an enquiring mind and reflect better, inspiring them to observe, describe, narrate, hypothesize, and give and ask for explanations...
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The child, as the protagonist of the Constructivist Method, is at the centre of the learning process and is an active participant in a place where experiences and emotions can be expressed. Brainstorming is at the heart of all our activities in the workshops and is based on our relationships with others and the freedom to express one’s own ideas in the pursuit of learning.
The class is seen as a community of researchers, aware that group work is fundamental in the search for knowledge, allowing the child to learn in a ‘natural’ way.
This natural learning method starts from a scribble and ends up a letter, as characterised by the noted French pedagogue and education reformer, Freinet, who defined teaching as the art of questioning and accompanying pupils in the search for answers.
Educating in waiting, in research, in the initial need to ask questions, in the ability to arrive at discoveries that gradually evolve through a personal, individual and collective path.
Freinet’s teaching method concerns the ability to encourage children to cooperate and value their efforts. It also helps to develop all forms of intelligence, namely cognitive, political, abstract, creative, manual and artistic. The evaluation activity in the kindergarten responds to a formative function, which recognizes, accompanies, describes and documents growth processes, without classifying and judging a child's performance, because it is oriented to explore and encourage development of all their potential.
Rossini School
Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi 197, 80055 PORTICI (NA)
Tel: 081473068
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P.IVA: 07273491212